Factors Affecting the Purchase of Sanitary Ware at Modern Retail Stores in Muang District, Chiang Rai Province


  • Suvimon Chaiphanphong Faculty of Management Science Pacific Institute of Management Science


Factors Affecting the Purchase, Sanitary Ware, Modern Retail Stores, Consumers


           The objectives of this research were to investigate the following: 1) factors affecting the purchase of sanitary ware; 2) problems encountered in the purchase of sanitary ware and the solutions to problems of entrepreneurs in Muang District, Chiang Rai Province. The samples used for the research were the customers purchasing sanitary ware in this research area, selected by using a purposive sampling method of 400 people. The research found that, according to the socio-economic factors in consumer purchasing of sanitary ware, customers were not members of the modern sanitary ware retail store; with stay informed from brochures, word of mouth, television, radio, and newspapers; on the purchasing decisions were by themselves, followed by neighbors, lover/spouse, and relatives. While the attitude overall factor was at the high level, as well as considering each factor were at the high level which the location, convenience and speed, service, salesman, and product quantity respectively. Moreover, in the factors for choosing sanitary ware in modern retail stores found that the customers chose to go to the store which has been to regularly; the frequency of purchasing sanitary ware depending on the occasion; the types of sanitary ware to choosing were toilet flushing, soap holder, and basin respectively; the quantity in the purchase according to the needs to be used each time; a well-known brand was selected. In addition, the overall problems encountered in the purchase of sanitary ware were at medium level, with bearing in mind each factor, promotion, distribution channels, product, and price, were at medium level.


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