The assessment of the project of pouring water to the southern people Narathiwat Academic Year 2017


  • Suwat Wiwattananon Pathumtani University
  • Panya Sirichote Pathumtani University
  • Sahachai Sasuan Samsenwittayalai school


CIPP Model, Project evaluation to the south of Narathiwat for the year 2017


Project evaluation to the south of Narathiwat for the year 2017, by applying the project evaluation following CIPP Model of Stufflebeam. The Purpose is to evaluate the environment context, inputs, process, and output of the project to the southern provinces of Narathiwat for the year 2017. Population and sample group are consisted of project committees and related people in total 281 people with sample group of 165 people. And Twelfth grade (mathayom suksa 6) high school students in Narathiwat under the Secondary Educational Office Area 15 total 1,599 people with sample group of 310 people. Using test, questionnaire, and report as the tools used to collect data. Data analysis by finding the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t - test to test the value with summary of the project evaluation results as following:

  1. The context or environment of the project found that it is necessary, appropriate and consistent with overall purpose in a high level.
  2. Inputs of the project found that there is a preparation to carry out the activities according to the project appropriately in a high level.
  3. The project process were found as follows: 1) The teachers have teaching behavior and performance to develop learners in a high level. And 2) Found that the process of project activities had done step by step appropriately in a high level.
  4. Output of the project were found as follows: 1) The number of students that joined the project are calculated to 98.73 percentage. And 2) The differences between before and after the learning development of students that joined the project showed the development after is higher than before. And 3) The satisfaction towards the project based on opinions of project committees and related people that joined the projects are in a high level.

      To sum up, the project to the south of Narathiwat for the academic year 2017, has total score 97 out of 100 which gives a pass to evaluation result.


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