
  • Santi Sarachat
  • Naruedolrapasson Jaksudechovanith


Competency, Security Personnel, Licensed Security Personnel, Thailand


This study involved mixed-method research which had the objectives to: 1) study and analyze the professional competency of licensed security personnel in Thailand; 2) develop professional competency indicators for licensed security personnel in Thailand; and 3) develop the approach to competency development for licensed security personnel in Thailand. The samples of this research were 400 licensed security personnel in Thailand. This research was composed of two parts. The first part included the study and analysis of professional competency of licensed security personnel in Thailand, for which a 5-point scale questionnaire was used for data collection. The statistics used in this research were descriptive statistics, which were used for the analysis of general data pertaining to the samples. The correlations were identified by testing the difference in the mean values using the dependent t-test and one way ANOVA. The difference in the opinion levels of the security personnel was identified using the multiple comparisons test and correlation analysis. The second part of the research was dedicated to the study of the approach to competency development for licensed security personnel in Thailand. Data in this part were collected through group discussions with licensed security personnel, private employers, entrepreneurs, and consumers. In-depth interviews were conducted with high-ranking chief police officers of the Royal Thai Police and the president of the Asia Pacific Security Association.

          The study revealed that there was a significant correlation between the level of opinion about the current competency levels of licensed security personnel in Thailand and that of the opinion about expected competency levels of licensed security personnel. From this research, professional competency indicators for licensed security personnel were developed, which were in three areas – security knowledge, security skills, and attitude towards the security profession. In addition, the approach to competency  development for licensed security personnel in Thailand was developed, which involved five aspects: (1) Personnel management; (2) Training in private security service apart from the standard training course required by the Security Business Commission, (3) Preparation of an operational manual, (4) Coaching system, and (5) Regular and efficient training, evaluation and review.


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