Marketing Strategy for the Well Known Halal Restaurants in Bangkok


  • Charinee Aryuken Silpakorn University
  • Attama Boonpalit Silpakorn University
  • Kerkrit Ampawat Silpakorn University


Halal Food, Offensive Strategies, Reformed Strategies, Preventive Strategies, Defensive Strategies


          This study aimed to examine and propose marketing strategies for well-known Halal restaurants in Bangkok. Data was collected using in-depth interview from 13 Halal restaurants’ owners or managers in Bangkok. It was found that the Halal restaurant business has potential considering its strengths and opportunities, therefore; offensive strategies could be using niche marketing strategy, establishing Halal restaurant entrepreneur association, and using online marketing platform. Reformed strategies included managers should aware of the changing technologies and trends and creating partnership promotion programs with other tourism businesses. Preventive strategies were learning how to cook other types of food that are popular and extend new target group to non-Muslim customers. Finally, defensive strategies included establishing Halal food image of various cuisines and clean food. Resulting from Coronavirus pandemic and political instability, Halal restaurants should offer food delivery service couple with sale promotions programs.


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