Saṃsāra in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


  • Phrapalad Thana Aggadhammo (Pimparat) Faculty of Religion and Philosophy Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrakruwinaitorn Charoen Thantachitto Faculty of Religion and Philosophy Mahamakut Buddhist University


Saṃsāra, Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


            This academic article aims to study Saṃsāra according to the perspective of Theravada Buddhism. By mainly studying information from the Tripitaka related books and research from the study, it was found that Saṃsāra was a cycle of death and death. Not appearing at the beginning and the end unable to know the exact time frame there is ignorance and lust as the cause of the whirlpools in the currents of birth and death. Beasts are driven by ignorance and lust, and they continue without a beginning and an end. As long as ignorance and lust have not been completely destroyed. And the ignorance in the Suffering of Somuthai Nirothamkha causes him and his disciples to wander forever in Saṃsāra because of the ignorance of the Four Noble Truths.

           The intersection of Saṃsāra can be cut in 3 ways: 1) Trisikha cutting, meditation and wisdom, 2) Saṃsāra's intersection according to the Four Noble Truths, the suffering principle of Saṃsāra, Nirodamkha, and 3) the intersection of Saṃsāra as well. There are two kinds of meditation practice, meditation and meditation.


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