Karma in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


  • Phramaha Anan Anuttaro (Aunwises) Faculty of Religion and Philosophy Mahamakut Buddhist Universit
  • Phra Suchat Abhassaro (Phuengphai) Faculty of Religion and Philosophy Mahamakut Buddhist Universit


Karma, Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


           This article has an objective to study karma in theravada buddhist philosophy. found that all animals have their own karma. because it relies on an action with intent or intent determines the action. with the intent of action. when there is intention, a person shows karma, both physical, verbal and mental. when a person does what kind of karma would receive the consequences of such karma. which is in accordance with the rules of action, which is the law of cause and effect. also called "law of karma". when humans do good deeds, they get good results. when doing evil, it leads to bad results. when humans have studied karma according to buddhist philosophy can be applied in daily life. always adhere to the buddhist philosophy to be able to live happily with the present society.



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