The Transformational Leadership Development System for School Administrators Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42


  • Pholwasin Saratham Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Sutida Howattanakul Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University


Transformational Leadership, School Administrators


          The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the holistic of The Transformational Leadership Development System For School Administrators Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42. (2) To develop and present The Transformational Leadership Development System. (3) To certify The Transformational leadership Development System by the connoisseurship.

          The populations in the study were 3241 administrators and the teachers in essential groups, with the sampling tables of Taro Yamane, There were 206 who respondents. The statistic to analyze were mean, standard deviation, t value, correlation, IPA and Quadrant. While the process were: (1) documentary research and finding the context (2) develop the framework (3) develop the prototype and (4) verify the system.

          Major Findings: The Transformational Leadership Development System For School Administrators Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42 consisted of Develop Conceptual Framework with theories and principles, study the components and logical step with transformational ideal, component structure setting, via questionnaires, and focus groups study, draft the innovative prototype, supervise, assessing with dynamic feedback.


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