Vechicle Theft Prevention Factors Responsible Area Metropolitan Police Bureau


  • Samrith Krasang The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University


Car theft prevention, Car theft prevention factors


         This research has the objectives to 1) Study the level of factors that cause car theft Responsible area, Metropolitan Police Bureau That affect the factors of car theft prevention 2) study the level of success factors in car theft prevention Responsible area, Metropolitan Police Bureau 3) Study the level of the factors that put the policy into practice in the prevention of car theft. Responsible area, Metropolitan Police Bureau That affects the factors of car theft prevention 4) Study the relationship between factors that cause car theft Success factors for car theft prevention and implementing policies to prevent car theft Responsible area, Metropolitan Police Bureau That affects car theft prevention Use Mix Methods Research during quantitative research. Research population This time, including 9 police officers in the area responsible for the Metropolitan Police Headquarters, with a total population of 26,750 people using Yamane's research sample calculation (Yamane, 1997, p. 729). The samples were 400 persons and qualitative. The population used as a qualitative research sample was 9 key informants from the Metropolitan Police Bureau 1-9. The statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, mean and deviation standard. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Analysis.
             The results of the research showed that 
             1) Factors for car theft Responsible area, Metropolitan Police Bureau Average overall High level ( = 3.55, S.D. = 0.903)
             2) Success factors for car theft prevention Areas of responsibility, Metropolitan Police Bureau, average The overall picture is in the high level (  = 3.46, S.D. = 0.895)
             3) Policy implementation factors for the prevention of automobile theft Area of responsibility Average by image Total is at a high level ( = 3.67, S.D. = 0.842).
             4) The relationship between 1) the factors that cause car theft, 2) the success factors in car theft prevention, and 3) the implementation of the policy on car theft prevention Responsible area, Metropolitan Police Bureau That affects the prevention of car theft found that
             Factors that cause car theft with the factor of preventing car theft There was a statistically significant relationship at the level of 0.01, with the variable having the highest correlation coefficient being family, social, 0.67. Success factors for theft prevention with the factor of preventing car theft There is a statistically significant correlation at the level of 0.01, with the variable having the highest correlation coefficient being operational cooperation equal to 0.90. And policy implementation factors, automobile theft prevention factors There is a statistically significant relationship at the 0.01 level. The variable with the highest correlation coefficient is planning and control.


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