The Language Strategies to Ecological Concept in Feature Writing of Veerasak Chansongsang


  • benjamas panpoo Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahasarakham University
  • Rachan Nilawanapa Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahasarakham University


The Language Strategies, Ecological Concept, Feature Writing, Veerasak Chansongsang


         This research studies the process of The Language Strategies Ecological Concept  Feature Writing  Veerasak Chansongsang. which the text data used in this study The investigators selected only documentary writings that have been published and that have been published as a book. Contains a documentary series "Behind the Tree Curtain" (2005) and a series of nonfiction books "Isan Ban Hao" (2012).

            The results show that, In the Feature Writing of Veerasak Chansongsang. reflects on the presentation of eco concepts. Under the picture of the relationship between man and nature through the use of 3 types of tactics are : Vocabulary Strategies Methods of using metaphors and referring strategies These various presentation techniques are all about conveying the story of nature and the environment that is related to human beings through the writing skill of the author who tries to create interesting thoughts, imagination, knowledge, and experiences into writings.


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