Strategy to Overcome Drug Problems in the Metropolitan Police Division 3 Metropolitan Police Headquarters


  • Samang Khaosaard The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Atiporn Kerdruang The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University
  • Dr.Prayuth Swadriokul The Institute of Public Administration and Governance, Shinawatra University


Drug problems, Strategic, Metropolitan Police Division 3


The objective of this study were to 1) study the level of policy implementation factors That affects the strategy to overcome drug problems in the area of Metropolitan Police Division 3, Metropolitan Police Bureau 2) Study the level of external factors of the policy implementation That affect the strategy to overcome drug problems in the area under the Metropolitan Police Division 3, Metropolitan Police Bureau 3) Study the relationship between policy implementation factors And external factors in implementing policies that affect strategies to overcome drug problems in the area of Metropolitan Police Division 3, Metropolitan Police Bureau Use Mix Methods Research during quantitative research. and qualitative by using population groups and quantitative samples A total of 400 people from 1,217 people used the questionnaire as a tool. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The qualitative research section Use field research from in-depth interviews. From the station chief Positions of superintendent or deputy superintendent, each person at a total of 11 stations in the Metropolitan Police Division 3

The results of the research showed that

1) Study the level of policy implementation factors That affects the strategy to overcome drug problems in the area of Metropolitan Police Division 3, Metropolitan Police Bureau The overview is at a high level. The average value is 3.65.

2) Study the level of external factors of the policy implementation That affect the strategy to overcome drug problems in the area under the Metropolitan Police Division 3, Metropolitan Police Bureau The overview is at a moderate level. The average value is 3.45.

3) Study the relationship between policy implementation factors and external factors in implementing policies that affect strategies to overcome drug problems in the area of Metropolitan Police Division 3, Metropolitan Police Bureau (1) Factors for adopting policies into action The variable with the highest correlation coefficient is Standardization of policies The correlation coefficient is 0.83. The variable with the lowest correlation coefficient is In terms of resources, policies With the correlation coefficient equal to 0.62. (2) External factors of policy implementation The variable with the highest correlation coefficient is Technology The correlation coefficient was 0.76. The variable with the lowest correlation coefficient was political. The correlation coefficient was 0.66.


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