A Study of Conditions and Guidelines for Small School management under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 38


  • Manop Yodkate Master of Education Program, Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Nirada Wechayaluck Master of Education Program, Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


A Study of Conditions, Guidelines, small school administration


      The purpose of this research to study the management status of small schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 38 and studying the management guidelines of small schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 38, 25 schools, were randomly used for random sampling. Sampling size was determined according to the tables of 24 Crazy and Morgan schools. The researcher selected groups of informants at random by the district stratification method to obtain information distributed in all districts. And by simple random sampling, 24 school administrators and 96 teachers, totaling 120 people. The research instrument was A 5-level questionnaire (Rating Scale). The statistics used in the data analysis were Arithmetic Mean X and Standard Deviation (S.D). The researcher took the issues obtained from the management of small schools as a whole and items in each aspect with the lowest mean. Creating a point in the interview to find ways to manage small schools group of informants was 7 experts. The research tool was an interview and analyzed by content analysis.
The results revealed that
      1. The overall condition of the administration of small schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 38 was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the side with the highest average was general administration. And the side with the lowest average was budgeting and planning.
       2. The management guidelines of small schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 38 found that administrators must have management in terms of the number of students. Teacher manpower rate, budget, materials, and educational resources morale and morale of personnel school to be effective. The management must provide resources and prepare a resource mobilization plan in various forms. Consolidation part small school. The administrators must study, analyze the meeting information, explain to teachers and community leaders, and understand their rights. Guarantee for stability in the status of administrators and teachers.




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