Legal Problems in the Administration of Local Government Organizations.


  • Vichan Chanin Northern College


Legal problem, administration of local government organization.


This research aimed to study legal problems in the administration of local government organizations by considering issues of supervision and administration of local government organizations included 1)provincial administrative organization, 2)municipality, 3) tambon council and sub-district administrative organization, 4) Bangkok Metropolitan, and 5) Pattaya City. The qualitative research method was used by studying conceptual documents, theories, relevant legal documents both in Thailand and abroad to propose amendments of law.

The study results showed that legal problems in supervising the administration of local administrative organizations were controlled by the central government and the provincial administration organization as follows. 1) For provincial administrative organizations, there will be a provincial governor having the authority to supervise the operation of the provincial administrative organization. 2) In The municipality, there will be a provincial governor having the authority and duty to supervise the municipality. 3) Tambon council and sub-district administrative organization will be governed by a sheriff having the authority to supervise the operation of the Tambon Administrative Organization. 4) For Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, the Minister of Interior has the authority and duty to control the operation. 5) Pattaya City is under the authorization of the provincial government to control the operation.

Therefore, it should be amended (1) Provincial Administrative Organization Act BE 2540 Amendment (No.5), BE 2562, Section 77, “The Provincial Administrative Organization Committee has authorized to control the operation of the Provincial Administrative Organization... "(2) Municipality Act, B.E. 2496 Amendment (No. 14) BE 2562 Section 71, Municipality has authority to supervise the operation of the municipality .." Tambon Council Act 2537 Amendment (No. 5), 2562, Section 90" the administrative committee of district administrative organization has authorized to supervise the operation of Tambon Administrative Organization.." Bangkok Metropolitan Administrative Board Act, B.E. 2528 Amendment (No.6), B.E. 2562, Section 123" The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has authorized to supervise the operation of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration... " Pattaya City Administration Regulation Act 2542 Amendment (No.3), 2562, Section 94 “ Pattaya Administrative Board. has authorized and duty to supervise the operation of Pattaya City ... "


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พระราชบัญญัติระเบียบบริหารราชการเมืองพัทยา พ.ศ.2542 แก้ไขเพิ่มเติม (ฉบับที่ 3) พ.ศ.2562

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