The Development of Academic Reading Instructional Model Through Hor Strategies to Enhance Reading Ability and Strategy use for Undergraduate Students


  • Thaweesak Linkhome Faculty of Education Silpakorn University
  • Wisa Chattiwat Faculty of Education Silpakorn University


Academic Reading Collaborative, Strategic Reading with Questioning the Author, Strategies Reading Ability, Strategy Use


The purposes of this study were to; 1) develop the academic reading instructional model by using collaborative strategic reading integrating with questioning the author to enhance students’ reading comprehension abilities and abilities in using reading comprehension strategies of undergraduate university students based on the assigned criteria 80/80, 2) compare reading abilities before and after using the model, 3) compare abilities in comprehensions’ strategies use, and 4) study students opinions toward the model.

The sample consisted of the randomly selected class of 30 second-year of Educational Faculty Students at Silpakorn University during the first semester, the academic year 2018. The experiment was carried out for 12 weeks, three hours per week, 32 hours in total.

The instruments used for gathering data were: 1) IAIAE Model including teacher’s manual, 8 lesson plans, and exercises 2) reading ability test 3) reading strategy survey 4) reading log 5) a questionnaire on student’s opinions toward the model. The statistics used were mean, percentage, standard deviation, content analysis, and t-test for a dependent. The qualitative and quantitative data findings of the study revealed that:

The synthesized academic reading instructional model by using the academic reading instructional model by using collaborative strategic reading integrating with questioning the author to enhance students’ reading comprehension abilities and using comprehension’s strategies knowledge for undergraduate university students comprised 5 components: principles, objectives, and procedure, roles of teacher and student, and evaluation. The model is called IAIAE Model and comprised 5 steps: Introduction (I), Action (A), Implementation (I), Assessment (A), and Extensive reading (E). The IAIAE model was verified by five experts at the very high level,

The research results were as follows:

  1. The efficiency of the model was 80.50/83.50 meeting the set criteria at 80/80, and the students’ test scores obtained in post-test were significantly higher than pre-test at 0.05 level of statistical significance;
  2. The student's reading comprehension ability scores obtained in post-test after learning by using the IAIAE model were significantly higher than pre-test at 0.05 level of statistical significance,
  3. The abilities of students’ reading comprehension strategies use after learning by using the model was significantly higher than before learning at the 0.05 level of statistical significance,
  4. The students’ opinions toward the model were highly positive.


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