Factors Affecting The Agriculturalist’s Decision in Buying Organic Fertilizer in Monorom, Chainat


  • Thanadech Kangsawat Faculty of Management Scince, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


Decision, organic fertilizers, farmers


his research was on the factors affecting the agriculturalist’s decision in buying organic fertilizer in Manorom, Chainat. aimed to study and analyze factors affecting the agriculturalist’s decision in buying organic fertilizer in Manorom District and apply the research results to formulate policies or to design marketing plans for organic fertilizer distributors. The sample included 400 farmers in Manorom District, Chainat selected by Stratified Random Sampling. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were applied to analyze the collected data.

The results showed that a majority of the farmers in Manorom District were males aged between 30-39 years old. Their average monthly income was lower than 5,001 baht. Their educational background was at junior high school. They earned their living from agriculture. They worked in agriculture for 11-15 years and had 31-40 acres for growing plants. According to the study, the marketing mix factors and the farmers’ buying decision on organic fertilizers in Manorom District were at a high level overall. The analysis of the factors affecting farmers’ buying decisions on organic fertilizers in Manorom District, Chainat indicated that the independent variables described the fluctuation of the farmers’ buying decisions on organic fertilizers at a statistical significance of 0.05. This showed that the farmers paid significant attention to well-known brands of organic fertilizers and their quality was guaranteed. In addition, the farmers focused on whether prices were reasonable with high quality, whether the delivery was provided, whether representatives or distributors provided good advice to customers and were friendly. Organic fertilizers shops should arrange organic fertilizers neatly where air could be ventilated and should provide instructions for each type of organic fertilizers


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