The Leadership Development


  • Sawiean Jenkhwao Education Administration Pharnakhon Rajabhat University
  • Wannaphar Moonsarn Teacher Training College Pharanakhon University
  • Somporn Yoddamnoen independent scholar


Leadership, Leadership Development


Leadership is an important skill for organizational development and management because it leads to practice that achieves the organization’s goals. Whether public, private, global, national, or local, leadership is also important. It produces noticeably different results and may have further questions about what kind of leadership style or what type can lead to innovation. To be an innovator or a new change which is the most important idea in Thai Education 4.0, therefore this article purposes to present opinions on Thai Education, by selecting characteristics of leadership styles that are appropriate for the situation "Thai Education 4.0", which is a situation that challenges Thai society especially the intellectual societies in educational institutions at all levels.

However, if thinking only about the leaders of the educational institutions. Leadership skills may not be limited to a group of administrators only, but also includes those affected by the leadership of the administrators, including teachers or instructors and most importantly the learner which means students. Therefore, each group should have leadership according to the level of each group to enable Thailand and Thai Education in 4.0.


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