A Study of Good Corporate Governance Factors Affecting Pledge Services with Transparency of the Office of the Government Pawnshop


  • Worapon Wanichakul Master of Business Administration Graduate School Southeast Asia University
  • Vichakorn Hengsadeekul Master of Business Administration Graduate School Southeast Asia University


Good corporate governance, pawn service, transparency


This research is aimed to study good corporate governance factors that affect the transparent pledge service of the Office of the Government Pawnshop, the comparison between good corporate governance factors and transparent service, and the relationship between good corporate governance factors and transparent service of the Office of the Government Pawnshop. A quantitative research was applied for this study with a questionnaire on 400 viewers of service users of the pledge by purposive sampling. The statistical descriptive data include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square statistics, multiple correlation data analysis, and the multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: 1) the overall value of good corporate governance factors is at the highest level, 2) there is a relationship between service users and transparent service at the statistical significant value of 0.05, 3) the good corporate governance factors can explain the transparent service of the Office of the Government Pawnshop with a positive relationship at the statistical significant value of 0.01, and 4) there is a positive relationship between good corporate governance and transparent service of the Office of the Government Pawnshop at the statistical significant value of 0.01.


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