The Development of Learning Activities on Art Compositions to Enhance Art Skills for Matthayom 3 Students


  • Supitchaya Choungchaiyah Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Lertsiri Bovornkitti Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University


Art activity, Art Composition, Art skills


          The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) the development of learning activities on art compositions to enhance art skills for Matthayom Three students; (2) to compare the effects of learning achievement with art composition to enhance the art skills for Matthayom Three students; and (3) to study the satisfaction of the students toward art composition to enhance the art skills of Matthayom Three students. The researcher used the purposive sampling method and the sample population consisted of Matthayom Three students at Triamudomsuksapattanakarn Yannawate School in the 2020 academic year. The research instrument was an art composition to enhance their art skills, learning achievement with art composition to enhance the art skills and student satisfaction with the questionnaire. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) the result of the development art compositions to enhance the art skills for Matthayom Three students have efficiency according to the specified criteria on side of essence, such as learning objectives, content, learning activity, and measurement and evaluation in all aspects were at a high level; (2) the results of learning achievement showed that the scores in the learning achievement posttest was higher than the pretest at a statistically significant level of .05; and (3) the results of student satisfaction toward art compositions to enhance the art skills for Matthayom Three students in all aspects were at a high level and in the aspects of mean (( ) = 4.22), standard deviation ((S.D.) = 0.17) and the students were satisfied with each aspect.




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