Teaching Drumkits in the Bachelor of Music program Department of Western Music Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Songkhla Rajabhat University with an artist-like thought process by an artist


  • Sittichok Kabilapat Faculty of Music,Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Sakchai Hirunrux Faculty of Music,Bangkok Thonburi University


Teaching drum kits, Artistic thinking process


          This research is about teaching drum set in the Bachelor of Music Program, Department of Western Music, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Songkhla Rajabhat University by the artists’ thinking process and by the artists. The objectives of the research to study the efficiency of researcher’s teaching tools, research methodology is mix methods, experimental research and qualitative research, for the efficiency of artist teaching tools to 6 students and 2 artists, divided in two groups, in three months. The result indicated that the students had a combined learning outcome after study of 83.66 percent, which was higher than the hypothesis of 80 percent. The interview with students from studying with the artists' thinking process in 10 aspects found that, on the positive side, the students were very satisfied. They have learned how to think, practice, and process thinking procedures in a systematic and procedural manner for further practical and future use. The negative part was some students lack theoretical knowledge, lack of determination, lack of diligence, and patience to learn new things from the artists’ thinking process that made the learning outcomes do not meet the goals.


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