The Education Act: Significance for Learning Management in the 21st Century


  • Panumat Mosin Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Phronntip Khramjantuek Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Ittirit Leeladusadeelert Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Kasem Suphasit Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Intira Moogmaung Pacific Institute of Management Science


National Education Act, learning management, 21st century education


             The Education Act is important for teaching and learning in the 21st century. This article aims to study the National Education Act To manage learning in accordance with the context according to the National Education Act and to organize education in line with education in the 21st century. The concept can be summarized as follows. The National Education Act is the importance of providing education for Thailand with a key word. It is to develop Thai people to be human beings who are complete in body, mind, intelligence, knowledge and morality, having ethics and culture in life able to live with others happily in every section It can promote human resource development to lead learning management leading to the development of people in the 21st century. Characteristics and social contexts are rapidly changing in terms of society, culture, and technology, resulting in the learning management process having to adapt. In order to keep up with the rapid changes, especially the outbreak of the coronavirus (covid19). directly affect the education. The creative learning process can used as a guideline for the development of teaching and learning in order to adapt to the changes that occur in order for the learners to have an in-depth learning process. The 21st century is an era of change in all aspects. such as social change shift in technology or even bringing information as a base for the development of various processes. In particular, how to manage education will enable learners to make changes and be able to live well and have the capacity to live in order to meet the 21st century context.


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