Effectiveness of Adolescent Male Smoking Prevention Program in Educational Institutions


  • Somboon Khorskull Faculty of Nursing, University of Pathumthani


Smoking Prevention Program, Adolescent Male, Educational Institutions


           This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of adolescent male smoking prevention program in educational institutions. Study subjects were adolescent male age 18-19 year old in educational institutions Pathumthani Province. The sample comprised 70 subjects divided into two groups: an experimental and a control group of 35 subjects by August to September 2021. The researcher instrument consisted of 1) the adolescent male smoking prevention program in educational institutions, 2) Self-efficacy questionnaire on smoking prevention, 3) the non-smoking outcomes expectations questionnaire and 4) anti-smoking behavior questionnaire. The reliability of the three questionnaire were at 0.90, 0.88 และ 0.86 using Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. The data were analyzed using paired and independent t-tests.

          The results revealed that: the average scores of expectation on outcomes of non-smokers, and the mean scores of self-efficacy in preventing smoking of the experimental group were higher than the pretest group and higher than the control group were statistically significant at .05, and the average scores of anti-smoking behaviors of the trial group after 4 weeks of follow-up were higher than before and higher than the control group at a statistical significance of .05

           Recommendations: Educational institutions should organize activities to enhance students' perceptions of their abilities and expectations for the outcomes of non-smoking. This will result in more effective smoking prevention behaviors.


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