Factors Influencing the Service of the Government Savings Bank
Factors Influencing, service, Government Savings Bank Head OfficeAbstract
This research aimed to study the influence of: (1) The level of service recipient's opinion towards the service quality of the Government Savings Bank, head office (2) the level of service recipient's satisfaction towards the service of the Government Savings Bank head office and (3) the influence of service quality on service satisfaction of the Government Savings Bank, head office, from a random sampling of 400 people using a data collection tool was questionnaires., The data for analysis using statistics Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. (multiple regression analysis) The results of the research revealed that, in the analysis of service quality, the influence on service of the Government Savings Bank Headquarters by analyzing the correlation using Pearson's correlation coefficient found that the components of service quality. The service provided had a significant positive relationship with the service provided by the Government Savings Bank, head office. Statistics at the .05 level, when correlated by multiple regression analysis techniques, found that the factors of service quality satisfaction in all 4 areas could explain the variability in service of the Government Savings Bank Head Office by percentage. 17.40 and the standard error of forecasting (SE.est) was 0.362. The service personnel component (X3) had the highest weight relation to the service provided by the Government Savings Bank, the head office, followed by the technology that provided services. (X4) on the location of the service (X2) and on the speed of (X1), respectively, as the relationship equation is Services of the Government Savings Bank, Head Office = 1.739 - 0.141(X1) + 0.050 (X2) + 0.415(X3) + 0.109(X4)
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