Performing Techniques and Choreography of Sida Character in the Khon for Episode of Thossakan Long Suan – Sida Phuk Sor Based on Dance-Drama Style of Lady Paew Snidvongseni and Boonnak Thantharanon


  • Phatcharawalai Ramanatta Curriculum: Master of Fine Arts Program in Thai Performing Arts Bunditpatanasilpa Institute


sida hangs herself, threads, techniques, curse on stick.


            The objectiveof this research are to 1) study the importance of Sida character within the khon performance in the Ramakian epic and 2) explore the choreography of Sida character in the khon performance In the episode of Sida Phuk So (Sida trying to hang herself) based on the dance-drama style of Lady Paew Snidvongseni and Boonnak Thantharanon.

         The research result has been found that the Thai Ramakian was influenced by the well-known Indian Ramayana; it depicts the war between Phra Ram and Thossakan due to the Sida’s kidnapping. There are foue roles of Sida in the epic 1) the mother, 2) a wife, 3) a daughter in-law, and 4) the faithful wife of husband Sida character is the significant character for the narrative in according to multi expressive plots of love, incliding wife’s love to husband and love of Thossakan to Sida which caused the long battle between Phra Ram and Thossakan. The performing techniques of Sida characters was transmitted from Lady Paew Snidvongseni to Boonnak Thantharanon.  In the performance, the dance is accompanied by the naphat pieces and the performing techniques included 1) facial expression delivering inner feeling, 20 ) interpretating thr lyrical meaning into the dance communicating thenarative, and 3) expressing emotion of the character through the choreography to make the spectacular performance



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