A Causal Relationship Model of Success Small and Medium Businesses in Bangkok


  • Pinrutai Sutheerapong Srinakharinwirot University
  • kulachet Mongkol Srinakharinwirot University


Success of Small and Medium, External Environment, Strategic Leadership, Management Administration


        This study aims 1) to study the level of success of small and medium-sized businesses in Bangkok, 2) to examine the causal relationship model for the success of small and medium-sized businesses in Bangkok. The questionnaire is a tool to collect information from small and medium-sized business operators in Bangkok. Statistics used to analyze the data include frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and structural equation analysis. The results showed that 1) the success of small and medium-sized businesses in Bangkok Overall, it's very level. On a side-by-side basis, it was found to be at a very high level in all areas, sorted from descending averages: financial, stakeholder, internal management process, and learning and growth, respectively.              2) Analysis of structural equations found that the environment outside the organization Strategic leadership and organizational management directly affect the success of small and medium-sized businesses in Bangkok, 3) The internal environment outside the organization and organizational management directly affect strategic leadership, and 4) the in-house environment directly affects the management of the organization.




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