Effect of Walking Cane Program in Elderly with Osteoarthritis


  • Jeerawan Ukkakimapan Faculty of Nursing, University of Pathumthani
  • Pimprapa Tosongkram Faculty of Nursing, University of Pathumthani
  • Pilat Swangsoontornvet Faculty of Nursing, University of Pathumthani
  • Chanya Siangsanoh Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Pathumthani


Elderly, walking trained by cane program, Osteoarthritis


          This quasi-experimental research two group by pre-posttest design. Aimed to examine the effects of walking trained by cane program. Samples were 54 osteoarthritis patients divided into two groups: an experimental and a control group of 27 subjects at hospital in Mueang district of Prathumthani Province. The researcher-developed study consisted of 1) the walking trained by cane program and 2) Walking cane of behavior questionnaire. The content by 3 experts, found that content validity test was at. 0.89 and 1.00, and reliability test of walking cane of behavior questionnaire were conducted using KR- 20 result was at 0.86. The data was analyzed by using means, standard deviation, and t-test.

           The results indicated the following: 1) the average score of walking cane-assisted walking behavior of the experimental group after the program was higher than before the program statistically significant difference at the .05. 2) The average scores of walking behavior scores with walking canes The experimental group after receiving the program was significantly higher than the control group receiving usual care at a statistical significance difference at the .05.


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