Consonant and Vowel Sounds of Anger Expressions in King Rama VI's Chan Literary Work


  • Nawaphorn Khummuang Doctor of Arts Program Thai Language Program Faculty of Liberal Arts University of Phayao
  • Warawat Sriyabhaya Doctor of Arts Program Thai Language Program Faculty of Liberal Arts University of Phayao
  • Waranya Yingyongsak Doctor of Arts Program Thai Language Program Faculty of Liberal Arts University of Phayao
  • Bunyong Ketthet Pensioner Mahasarakham University


Consonant and Vowel Sounds, Anger, Chan Literary Works


        The study of consonant and vowel sounds of anger expressions in King Rama VI’s Chan literary work aimed to study the characteristics of consonant and vowel sounds as well as the syllable structure expressing the characters’ anger. The findings revealed that the most frequent consonant onset was the single consonants arranged from the most frequently found as follows: plosive, nasal, fricative, semi-vowel, alveolar tap, and lateral respectively while the most frequently initial consonant clusters were the first plosive consonant followed by /r/ sound, followed by /l/ and /w/ sounds. Regarding the final consonants, it was found that the most frequent final consonants appeared in the anger expressions of Chan literary work included nasal and semi-vowel final consonants, followed by stop consonants while the most frequent vowel sounds were single vowel in which the mid vowel was found the most, followed by back vowel, front vowel, and low-mid vowel respectively. Regarding the diphthongs, the most frequently found was /ua/ sound, followed by /ia/ and /ɯa/ respectively. For the syllable structure, the smooth syllable was found more frequently than the checked syllable. The most frequent smooth syllable structure was c (c) v (v) n, followed by c (c) vv while the most frequent checked syllable structure was c (c) v, followed by c (c) vs, and c (c) vvs respectively. The findings from the analysis showed the word formation to express anger in the literary works of King Rama VI in which the smooth syllable was used with single initial consonant possessing the plosive characteristic.


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