A study on the supply chain that creates value added for the cassava industry in Thailand.


  • Nilubon Sivaborvornvatana Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University, Bangkok


Supply Chain management, Agriculture industry, Value chain


         The objectives of this research were to 1) study model supply chain and value chain in cassava industry in Thailand. 2) to create risk management approach for farmers and entrepreneurs throughout the agricultural supply chain in Thailand.  The research was studied by using  qualitative research by using focus group, in-depth interview and data was analyzed by content analysis. Results of the study showed that the value chain of the main activities in the market mechanism with stakeholders or marketing and sales. Most farmers without bargaining power tend to sell to the same operators. It was also found that the value chain of supporting activities in the capital infrastructure sector was also found. There are some farmers who have used their credit line in full and have not received any additional collateral. In addition, some farmers decide to leave their farming career and turn to hire instead because the price of cassava has dropped considerably. In spite of the cassava yield that can be used as an ingredient in gasohol production and is likely to grow more in the future, both in terms of future demand that is likely to increase and is also a business group that has been Support or promote from the development plan and various strategies from the government  


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