Managing Customer Experience Affecting Loyalty of Goods and Service in Telecommunication Business


  • Natenapha Suebkatunyoo Doctor of Business Administration Program in Management, Shinawatra University
  • Fuangfa Umponstir Business Administration (Management) Program, Shinawatra University


Customer Experience Management, The loyalty of its, Telecommunications


          Research on customer experience that affects the loyalty of goods and services in telecommunication business. The purpose of the research is as follows: 1) to study the factors affecting customer experience management, which affects the loyalty of goods and services in telecommunication business and 2) to set up customer experience management practices that affect the loyalty of goods and services in telecommunication business. Research-based tools are questionnaires to determine the primary information, as well as the personal opinion of the research audience, consisting of 400 small enterprises. Analyzing multiple variables of a regression type and analyzes the management of customer experiences that affect the loyalty of goods and services in telecommunication business using the tools. An in-depth interview by 15 experts, and established customer experience management that affects the loyalty of goods and services in the telecommunication business. Research results Discover how Customer experience management includes service staff and price aspects that affect the fidelity of goods and services in telecommunication business. It is statistically significant at a level 0.05 and set up a customer experience management approach that affects the loyalty of goods and services in telecommunication business. There are 3 guidelines: 1) Employee Operations 2) cooperate with customers and 3) innovative capabilities.


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