Communicate Local Wisdom of Three Cultural Foods in Southern Border Provinces


  • Jiraporn Kiadtinaruemol Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences,Yala Rajabhat University
  • Apsorn E-sor Faculty of Management Sciences,Yala Rajabhat University
  • Usanee Promsriya Faculty of Management Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University


Communicate, Local Wisdom, Three Cultural Foods, Southern Border Provinces


              The objective of this research was to communicate local wisdom of tri-cultural food of southern border provinces.  The study was a research and development issue, using data collected from relevant parties involving entrepreneurs, consumers, and knowledgeable persons. Mixed-methods design was used in this study. Qualitatively, focus group discussion and development operation were employed in data collection. Quantitatively, questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. The study results were summarized as follows. This research on communication of tri-cultural food of southern border provinces was planned into 3 stages including 1) communication plan: the concept design of “port city” was chosen to host exhibition events, as the specified area was adjacent to Pattani river and as it had historically been a port city before, 2) communicational operation: the exhibition was designated “Come-Join-Eating”, with various medias such as invitation cards, foods photos, video, ingredients, menu of three cultural foods. Include communicate pass activities such as cooking demonstration, seminar on tri-cultural food, and reconciliation foods activities, and 3) communicational conclusion: it was found that the overall satisfaction of target groups for communicate local wisdom of tri-cultural food of southern border provinces was at the highest level, averagely 4.56 ± 0.59, and when separate aspects were considered, it indicated that the aspect of exhibition name/date/place was of highest level satisfied, averaged at 4.65 ± 0.54; aspect of cooking demonstration, averaged at 4.64 ± 0.64; and aspect of achieving the objectives of raising awareness in pride for tri-cultural food of southern border provinces, averaged at 4.61 ± 0.55


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