The Study of Applying Basis for Success of Students Learning Buddist Studies of Mahavajiralongkorn School In Ayutthaya Province at Prapariyattidham Common School Group 3


  • Phracharoen Boontote Mahavajiralongkorn School
  • Phrakruthamthorn Malin Kittipalo Mahamakut Buddhist University Mahavajiralongkorn Campus
  • Laddawan Kong thong Mahamakut Buddhist University Mahavajiralongkorn Campus


basis for success, students, Buddhism, the teaching process


            The teaching and learning of Buddhism courses of most Phrapariyattidhamma Schools have not the basis for success applied yet. To improve the efficiency of the teaching process for student knowledge. Therefore, the objective to compare the application of the basis for success for Buddhism courses in the Middle School. Using a questionnaire from 105 students for the academic year 2020 and analyzing data of one-way variance (One-way ANOVA). There was found that the application of the basis for success was statistically significant difference between the students of grade 6, grade 7 and grade 8, respectively (P < 0.05), which has satisfied most of the students. (3.61 of mean score and 0.74 of standard deviation). Considering the basis of success, it was found that the students were satisfied with the application of the Passion at a high level, followed by Consciousness, Diligence, and Investigation, respectively.  Information from the results of this study, teachers should apply the principle of basis of success to be used in teaching and learning management and integrate with the situation of social change at present.


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