The Factors Related to Self-Care Behavior of the Elderly with Hypertension in Subdistrict Banklang Muang Pathumthani


  • Penapa Vichean Faculty of Nursing, University of Pathumthani
  • Kachaporn Sripharut Faculty of Nursing, University of Pathumthani
  • Oratai Somnarin Faculty of Nursing, University of Pathumthani
  • Jirasak Rojanapremsuk Health System Management, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Pathumthani


Elderly, Hypertension, self-care behavior


          This descriptive research aimed to study 1) the knowledge, attitude, and self-care behaviors of the elderly with hypertension, and 2) the factors related to self-care behaviors of the elderly. The study sample consisted of 201 people living in Banklang sub district of Pathumthani Province selected by purposing sampling. Data were collected using the knowledge of hypertension questionnaires, the attitude of care questionnaires, and self-care behavior questionnaires. The reliability test of knowledge of hypertension were conducted using KR- 20 result was at 0.71, the attitude of care and self-care behavior were conducted using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient at .78 and .84. Statistics used for data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation coefficient.

          The results revealed that 1) the knowledge of hypertension, the attitude of care, and self-care behavior at high level 2) their knowledges about hypertension were high level (Mean = 14.20, 4.50, and 3.57; SD. = 0.72, 1.15, and 0.57 conductively). 2) The knowledge of hypertension, the attitude of care relate to self-care behaviors of elderly’s Hypertension with statistically significant difference at .05.  


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