Producing of Music Activities Package for Early Childhood Emotional Expressions in the Preschool Child Development Center Wat Puranawas Community Thawi Watthana District Office, Bangkok


  • Pimonchan Chomphooyod College of Music, Mahidol University
  • Dhanyaporn Phothikawin College of Music, Mahidol University
  • Preeyanun Prompsukkul College of Music, Mahidol University


Music Activities, Emotional Expressions, Early Childhood


          The purpose of this research were 1) To design and develop a music activities package for early childhood emotional expressions in the preschool child development center Wat Puranawas community Thawi Watthana district office, Bangkok 2) To assess the effectiveness of the package. The sample group used in this study were 20 students of 1 classroom in the preschool child development center Wat Puranawas community Thawi Watthana district office, Bangkok. The research instruments consisted of a music activities package for early childhood emotional expressions and achievement test after using the package that has been quality checked by experts. The data were analyzed by computer program (Excel and SPSS) using mean and standard deviation.

          The research findings were as follows: 1. The music activities package for early childhood emotional expressions that consists of 6 activities, 10 happy songs and 10 sad songs. 2. Regarding learning achievement of learners through a music activities package for early childhood emotional expressions, it is found that the mean of the posttest scores is higher than the mean of the pre-test scores at the 0.05 level. And early childhood can express music emotion of happy music more than sad music


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