A study of consumption behaviors of generations x, y, and z on the perception of product value and expectations for 4Cs marketing communications toward palm juice drinks


  • Phitsinee Passornsirikul Master of Communication Arts Program Digital Innovation in Marketing Communication and Branding) Sripatum University
  • Pariya Rinrattanakorn Master of Communication Arts Program Digital Innovation in Marketing Communication and Branding) Sripatum University


Consumer Behavior, Value Perception, Expectations, 4C Marketing


             Research article on the study of consumption behaviors, of generations x , y , z on the perception of product value and expectations for 4c marketing communications toward palm juice drinks were aimed to 1) to compare the differences between the age ranges. (Generation) of consumers and consumption behavior of fresh sugar beverages, 2) to compare the differences between the age ranges. (Generation) of consumers and the perception of product value Fresh sugar drinks, 3) to compare the differences between the ages. (Generation) of consumers and their expectations of marketing communications. and 4) to find the relationship between the perception of the value of products, fresh sugar beverages of consumers and the expectations of marketing communications. fresh sugar drink The results of the product value perception research study showed that the sample group had a level of perception of product value. on fresh sugar beverages overall with an average of 4.50 at the highest level. When considered in detail, it was found that The sample group had a level of perceived product value. The most affecting fresh sugar beverages was packaging design with an average of 4.54 at the highest level, followed by local wisdom with an average of 4.51 at the highest level. And the least is the product properties with an average of 4.44, the highest level.
             The results of the research study of the expectation of 4c marketing communication towards fresh sugar beverages showed that the sample group had the level of expectation of 4c marketing communication towards fresh sugar beverages overall, the mean was 4.41. at the highest level When considered in detail, it was found that The sample group had the highest level of expectation of 4c marketing communication towards fresh sugar beverage, which was the cost (Cost) with an average of 4.49 at the highest level, followed by the distribution channel. (Convenience) with an average of 4.47, the highest level. And the least is the consumer demand (Customer) with an average of 4.31 at the highest level.


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