Stream of the Three Characteristics : Digital Art Creation and Meaning Analysis Based on Semiotics


  • santirat Jhānasanti (Phuangmali) Mahamakut Buddhist University


Three Characteristics, Digital Art, Meaning Analysis, Semiotics


          This research had three objectives: (1) to study the style and methods of presenting digital art works in abstract natural style based on the three characteristics in Buddhism (2) to create digital art works in abstract natural style (3) to analyze the meanings of digital art works in abstract natural style based on semiotics. The researcher presented digital art creations in the abstract natural style and analyzed the meanings based on semiotics.

          The results showed that: A total of 7 collections of creations can be classified as follows: (1) Flower of variation (2) Stream of impermanence (3) Mountain of variation (4) Season of variation (5) Path of three characteristics (6) Stream of three characteristics (7) Light in the dark. Abstract nature paintings were presented in a variety of style and dimensions, comprising different parts of atmosphere in the nature such as streams, valleys, grasses, fields etc. The development of the work can be summarized in 3 aspects: 1) Style 2) Visual dimensions 3) Color tone. The analysis of meaning can be classified into 2 aspects: 1) Direct meaning; It is an interpretation based on the apparent meaning of the symbol such as bushes on the mountain, colorful valleys, light in the twilight etc. 2) Connotation meaning; It is a meaning that is related to the emotions, feelings, values ​​and cultures of the recipient such as withering grass flowers in the twilight atmosphere mean the changes in life when experiencing the truth of birth, old age, sickness and death.


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