A Model of Academic Mangement of Schools Under The Jurisdiction of The Secondary Education Service Area Office Singburi Angthong in 21st Century


  • Wiramon Punngam Doctor of Philosophy Degree North Bangkok University
  • ณรงค์ พิมสาร Doctor of Philosophy Degree North Bangkok University
  • Sawien Jenkwao Philosophy and Education College, Saint John University


Administration Model, Academic Administration, The 21st Century


           This research aimed to develop a model of academic administration of schools under the Jurisdiction of The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Singburi Angthong in the 21st Century. There were four phases of research: 1) To determine the presence and management guidelines of academic administration of Schools Under the Jurisdiction of The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Singburi Angthong in the 21st Century. The samples were 338 persons, and the informant was 6 Experts. 2) Draft and comprehensive verification of the model draft, and 5 Experts evaluate the validity and appropriateness of Academic Administration in the 21st Century model. 3) Evaluating the possibility and utility of a model by 15 Experts. and 4) Experiment with Academic Administration in the 21st Century model in one school. The informant is 14 persons. Analysis of data from interviews and focus group discussions using content analysis. Moreover, quantitative data analysis was analyzed by using a computer program. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, and Standard Deviation.

           The research found that 1) The model of academic administration of schools under the Jurisdiction of The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Singburi Angthong was practiced at a high level composed of 9 main components and five enhancing factors of academic administration in the 21st century. 2) The academic administration model of schools under the Jurisdiction of The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Singburi Angthong in the 21st century consists of 3 main components: academic administration domains, academic administration processes, and academic administration enhancing factors in the 21st century. 3) The result of model evaluation regarding the possibility and utility was at the highest level. 4) The trial and evaluation of academic administration in the 21st-century model was practical and can effectively for an academic administration an improvement.


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