Legal issues related to debt collection under debt collection law


  • Adul Tanarach Master of Laws Program Nakhon Ratchasima College
  • Suthasinee wiyaporn Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Kazi Ziaul Zafri Independent Scholar
  • Chun Xiang Bao Independent Scholar


problems of legal matters, Debt collection


          This research has the objective To study the concept Theories of Thai and foreign debt collection, as well as the ruling of the Supreme Court. Relevant legal measures and research results The state, problem, facts and legal issues related to debt collection. Of Thailand that there is a problem and how should it be solved Analysing and comparing legal measures related to debt collection. Of Thailand and foreign countries like and differ Guidelines for revising legal measures related to debt collection Foreign items that are common standards In order to be able to be applied in Thai law to be suitable for the current situation, the research found that the Debt Collection Act 2015, the conditions and details of debt collection must be in accordance with the law on Debt collection In addition, the design and method were not specified. About the debt collection law Therefore there is a suggestion to define The minimum penalty is kept because there is no minimum penalty provision. For people collecting both formal and informal debts The scope of authorization must be established and there must be provisions on the access right to justice claims of debtors and creditors in the event of persecution. Including providing protection Due to the Debt Collection Act 2015, Section 9 (2) does not yet provide provision for access to the right to request fairness of debtors and creditors in the event of persecution. Including providing protection in such cases


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