Legal Problems in Eligibility for Executive Candidates Local Government Organization


  • Suthep Kavila คณะนิติศาสตร์และรัฐศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยนอร์ทเทิร์น


Election, Candidate, Administrator, Local


          The objective of this study was to examine problems related to: 1) determination of the minimum qualifications for candidates of local administrators, 2) term in office of the administrator of local administrative organization.
          The study results that 1) the determination of the minimum qualifications of candidates for an election as local administrative organization administrator must have at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent qualifications. This determination was appropriated since the local administrative organization could have the administrator who had knowledge and capability to lead people in the area might cause no educational development. 2) The tenure of the executives of all five patterns of local government organizations could not hold office for two consecutive terms might make administrator of local organization who had knowledge and capability could not hold office for more than two consecutive terms.
         Therefore, all forms of local government organizations act should be amended. A candidate for an election for an executive of a local government organization must have graduated not lower than a bachelor's degree or its equivalent and should not to cancel the position for two consecutive terms.


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