Roles and Responsibilities of University Council post-COVID 19 Crisis for Innovation to Sustainable Productivity Management


  • Waranya Dathpong Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok
  • Cholchaya Kongsommath Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok


Roles and Responsibilities, University Council, post-COVID 19 crisis, Innovation to Sustainable Productivity Management


               This report is the result of an evidence-based empirical research with the objective of improving efficiency effectiveness and outputs of a University Council using Rajamangakala Technical University Tawan-Ok (RMUTTO) as a case study. The researchers use principles as guidelines namely; the principle of Strategic Performance Based Budgeting-SPBB (which adopts Intervention Logic as operating mode); ONE; The Parliaments pass the budget documents containing details of annual operation plans of all the bureaucratic agencies by the Government. This budget approval documents must by regarded as official Agreement binding the Executive branch to promises made to the Legislative branch. TWO; The mechanisms that link the Parliaments to any and every bureaucratic agency such as a University, are the plans for expediting the annual budget as stated by “operation plans”. THREE; Public Service Agreement PSA by which the agency, in this case, RMUTTO, promises to delivery four types of outputs. FOUR; Service Deliver Agreement (SDA) by which RMUTTO promises to delivery the four types of outputs. FIVE; To submit report(s) to the supervising minister and the Deputy-Prime Minister overseeing the integration of plans. SIX; Commitment to Good Governance-based management. SEVEN; Create system and lay down regulations pertaining to management. EIGHT; The operations and management of University Council and the University Committee must abide by the principle of seven Hurdles in financial management.

               The Analysis of information from the four sources reveal empirical facts as follows; a) declining  trend of both government allocated budget and University internal revenues since B.E.2560; b) University fours main outputs steadily fall below stated in annual Public Service Agreement and significant short-fall started to show from B.E.2561 onwards; c) the past four years records on meeting agenda show that University Council paid more attentions to general management than to the four promised outputs; d) legal authority and duties as stipulated in various articles has the potential of leading to the condition of “misunderstanding of Roles” both within the council and between council and various other “committee” This unfortunate phenomenon could potentially have serious effects on the efficiency and effectiveness  of performances of the University Council..


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