A Comparative Study of the Use of Symbols in Thai-Malay Expressions that have the Same or Similar Meanings


  • Pareeda Hayeeteh Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Suhaila Binsama-ae Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Samsinar yapha Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Yala Rajabhat University


comparative study, symbols, Thai idiom, Malay idioms, the same or similar meaning


           This article is based on a research that compares the patterns of expressions in Thai and the Malay language. The objective is to analyse the similarities in meanings of expressions of both languages. Based on qualitative approach data was collected from Royal Institute dictionary of Thai idioms, proverbs and aphorisms (2000) and Malay proverbs from Kamus Istimewa Peribahasa Melayu Edisi Kedua (2006). The article describes the results of the study where 94 Thai-Malay proverbs were compared to study the similarities in terms of meanings. The results can be formatted in two ways: Thai-Malay idioms that have the same or similar meaning. Using the same or partially identical symbols such as water, fish, elephant, dance, tongue, and Thai-Malay expressions that have the same or similar meaning but use different symbols, such as sharp and jar, a pot with water, golden branch, and ring, jade leaf, and gemstone, lace and candy, trees and moulds, etc. It can be deduced that expressions reflect the worldview of people in each society. when two societies have similar social, cultural, and environmental contexts therefore, the worldview of seeing the world and life is similar.


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