Factors Influencing the Willingness to Pay for Replacing Single Use Plastic Cup with Biodegradable and Eco-friendly Product of The Walk and Run Activity Applicant


  • Chintana Sanvong Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy


The walk and run activity, Biodegradable and Eco-friendly Product, Willingness to Pay, Single-Use Plastic


        This survey study attempts to identify factors influencing the willingness to pay of the walk and run activity applicant for replacing single used plastic cup with biodegradable and eco-friendly product. Study population was 458 samples and was sampled using convenience sampling technique. The data were collected through questionnaire since January – August 2019 and them was analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square.

        The study showed the factors influencing the willingness to pay of the walk and run activity applicant (p<0.05) were education, income per family per month, the attention to environment, the belief that global warming problem was real and severe, the willingness to use own foldable glass to fill water at drinking water service point, the agreement using biodegradable and eco-friendly product fill water at drinking water service point can reduce single-use plastic cup trash problem, the willingness to pay to resolve garbage problem occurred in the walk and run activity and the opinion that the garbage problem in the walk and run activity was the problem for both event organizer and participants. For the willingness to pay more 100 baht from the walk and run activity fee price for replacing single-use plastic cup to biodegradable and eco-friendly product fill water at drinking water service point, from 419 samples (91.5 %) had 152 samples (33.2 %) accepted to pay at that price while 267 samples (58.3 %) not accepted to pay. From descriptive statistics showed the maximum, minimum, average, median and mode of the answer that accepted to pay were 1,000, 100, 248.91, 200 and 100 baht respectively and for the answer that not accept to pay were 100, 0, 21.82, 10 and 0 baht respectively.

        The useful of this study was to be the baseline data for the walk and run event organizer about how to manage single-use plastic cup waste in this activity.


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