The Relationship among Teacher Transformational Leadership, Academic Motivation and Academic Burnout of Under Graduate Student in the North Eastern of Thailand


  • Veerasak Jinarat The Eastern University of Management and Technology


Teacher Transformational Leadership, Academic Motivation, Academic Burnout


          The objective of this research is to study the relationship and analyze the influencing variables of teacher transformational leadership and academic motivation on academic burnout. The researcher developed 23 items of a questionnaire from the literature review and tested its quality before collected 1,242 respondents of the under graduate students in the north eastern of Thailand. The statistical analysis are correlation coefficient analysis and multi regression analysis. The research results revealed that

          1) Teacher transformational leadership and academic motivation related moderately and significantly in the same direction at r = .54 (Sig .01). Meanwhile, academic motivation and academic burnout also related significantly in the same direction at low level, r = .37 (Sig .01). Besides, teacher transformational leadership and academic burnout no related significantly.

          2) The variables of academic motivation in terms of internal motivation, external motivation and amotivation influenced simultaneously and significantly on academic burnout at F = .143 (Sig .000), R2 = .26


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