The Development of Learning Achievements on the Topic of Reading Music Notes According to the Teaching Concept of Kodaly for Third Grade Students in School Under Bangkhuntien District Office Bangkok Metropolitan


  • Kannon Chunlakannon Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Tanadol Somboon Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Weera Wongsan Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction Faculty of Education


Learning Achievement, Reading Music Notes, Teaching Concept of Kodaly, School under Bangkhuntien District Office


        This research aims to (1) Develop learning achievements on the topic of reading music notes according to the teaching concept of Kodaly for the third grade students, it can meet the criteria 70 percent. (2) study their progress in learning the topic of reading music notes according to the teaching concept of Kodaly and normal learning For students in grade 3. (3) compare their learning achievements on the topic of reading music notes according to the teaching concept of Kodaly and normal learning for students in grade 3. (4) compare the satisfaction of grade 3 students towards learning on the topic of reading music notes according to the teaching concept of Kodaly and normal learning It is a quasi-experimental research. The study of primary school students in schools under  Bang Khun Thian District Office. Bangkok, semester 2, academic year 2021, 16 schools. A simple random sampling method was used. Tools used (1) Music-drama teaching series (2) Learning management plan (3) Learning achievement test (4) Student satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results showed that (1) The score during the experiment was 76.74%, the efficiency was higher than the threshold by 70%. (2) Educational progress value is equal to 0.5735, showing educational progress (E.I.) 57.35%. (3) Had higher academic achievement than students who received conventional learning (4) Had greater overall satisfaction than students who received conventional learning methods. statistically significant at the .01 level.


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