Related Factors towards the Job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company.


  • Nichcha Ritkhajorn School of Management Shinawatra University
  • Vissarout Krabuansob School of Management Shinawatra University
  • Tippawan Lertatthakornkit School of Management Shinawatra University


Burnout Performance, Motivation


                   The research subject, Related Factors towards the Job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company. This was a descriptive research study to study the level of job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company.  Studying the relationship between personal factors such as gender, age, marital status, family burden, and working period.  The motivation factors and working environment the job burnout from the employees’ performance of ABC Company, the sample group of 120 ABC employees. All the researchers selected, the research instrument was a questionnaire. (Questionnaire). The research instruments, there were 4 parts: Part 1 Personal data, Part 2 Motivation Factor Questionnaire, Part 3 Working Environment Factors Questionnaire, and Part 4 The job Burnout Questionnaire. They qualified quality inspection instruments to check the accuracy of content, by 3 experts to verify content validity, quantity, and content appropriateness. The consistency index of the IOC is 0.86 and the confidence value was 0.91. The statistics used in the data analysis were descriptive statistics, i.e. percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics, i.e. Spearman's correlation coefficient. Pearson's correlation coefficient and chi-square.

                   Average analysis results standard deviation, Average Total Job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company. It was found that the job burnout of the sample group had a moderate average score (=68.30, SD=12.44).

                  The results showed that personal factors were age, status, and burden of family care. The period of working. No correlation with the Job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company.  Gender correlation with the performance of job burnout. In terms of welfare and policy, the company had no relationship with the job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company. 

                    The results of the analysis of the relationship between factors of working environment characteristics revealed the nature of working responsibly. There was a positive correlation with the Job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company at a statistical significance of .05 level.

                     In-office relations were positively correlated with working-related of the job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company at a statistical significance of .05 level.

                    The perception of the administration system was positively correlated with the job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company at a statistical significance of .05 level.

                    The perception of success in the working and the job burnout from the Employees’ Performance of ABC Company at a statistical significance of .05 level.

The research suggestions were that companies should have relaxing activities to reduce the employees’ performance of burnout in terms of welfare and companies’ policies.

                    The research suggestions were that companies should have the relaxing activities to reduce the employees’ performance of the job burnout in terms of welfare and companies’ policies.


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