The effectiveness of the administration of small private schools under the Chiang Mai Provincial Education Office


  • Pattira Riroj Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Runguedee Ratchaisin Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Suchat Jaipakdee Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Pawin Thepgoonhanimitta Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Chollada Jiamjitvanich Pacific Institute of Management Science


administrative factors, school management effectiveness


          The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of the administration of small private schools under Chiang Mai Provincial Education Office categorizes based on gender, age, education and administrative experience. The population of 86 people was used as an integrated research method. The quantitative research was used as a 5-level questionnaire, a checklist form, group discussion with ten key contributors, and statistics such as percentage Mean, standard deviation value, and t test (Independent Samples). Single (One-way Analysis of Variance).
         The results of the research found that:
         1. The level of the effectiveness of the administration of small private schools under Chiang Mai Provincial Education Office was in the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that every resistance was effective by sorting all aspect from the highest to the lowest as follows: personnel administration, general administration, academic administration and budget administration.
         2. Comparison of differences in the effectiveness of the administration of small private school under Chiang Mai Provincial Education Office categorized by gender, found that males and females had the same highest level of education and work experience.


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