Recognition and Enforcement of European Court of Justice and Approaches to Thailand Civil Procedure Code Amendment


  • Supaporn Boonho Faculty of Law Business Law Sripathum University


recognition, enforcement, judgement of foreign court, civil procedure code amendment


              The researcher has the objective of the research in order to study recognition and enforcement of European court of justice by studying relevant laws in order to approaches Thailand civil procedure code amendment, including making recommendations.

              The results of the study found that The legitimacy of foreign court judgments must consider on the three compositions such as Jurisdiction, Final & Conclusive Judgment, and Double Jeopardy, for recognition and enforcement by enforcing court and issuing exequatur. Thailand civil procedure code ought to be amend in the law of evidence, by assuming that the judgments of foreign courts are compelling evidence related to the facts of the parties. Any party in the case must attest and be the cause of action to claim the debt of a foreign court judgment. which is in accordance with the principle of obligation (doctrine of obligation)



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