Marketing mix factors influencing residential electrical product purchasing decision of Electrical retailer in Southern of Thailand


  • Supattra Ramasoot Master of Management Program Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Taweep Promyoo Master of Management Program Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Marketing Mix, Purchasing Decision, Residential Electrical Products


             This independent study aims to investigate marketing mix factors influencing purchasing decisions of electronic retailer son residential electrical products in the south of Thailand. The quantitative method was conducted by using Yamane’s formula of sample size of 253 subjects from the numbers of electronic retailers in fourteen southern provinces.  The questionnaire created by the author was verified the content validity by index of item-objective congruence method and the reliability coefficient by Cronbach’s alpha.  The discussion was done by using statistics, average, percentage, standard deviation andhypothesis testing‎in multiple regression. The study discovered that marketing mix factors comprising channel of distribution, employee​s' perspective and Physical environment​ perspective​influenced the dealers’ decision to purchase electrical products for homes in the southern regional the 0.05 significant level with the regression coefficients of 0.200, 0.218 and 0.372, respectively.   The three variables can jointly predict purchasing decision of electronic retailers on residential electrical products in Southern Thailand52.60 per cent.


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