The Process Of Progression Chords On Contemporary Music Of Thai Traditional Music “BANG BAI”


  • Kovit Kantasiri Department Qualitative Research(Music), Shinawatra University


The Process of Progression Chords, Contemporary music styles, Bang Bai


          A traditional Thai melody named Pleng Bangbai in speed “song chun” version aninomous composer. The rhythm of this song consists of 2 movements to accompany of vocal (voice melody) masked play or Thai opera (La Korn). Bangbai have been composed into 3 version, called Pleng Bangbai Tao in speed (tempo) Samchun, Songchun and Chundio.

          The purpose of this academie artticle in to rearrange Thai music, especially to use The Western Harmony chord progression, Which is usually the piano, Guitar or Band employed do play and accompany the main melody to play with any melodie instruments,  much as the thai music styles, for example, Looktung, Lookkrung, with chord progression of II V I along each melodie phrases, but the author will keep the original and Thai impression and Thai style on the solo instruments with the same ornaments and variation, etc. suitable to western music chord progression, to be a new creating aesthetic interchanged of Thai and western music, to be accepted by the present audience, to appreciate both Thai and Western music in crossing music cultures by using harmony of western music to give more colours with the new chord progression to replace the basic chord progression of Theory, but with appreciation of all.






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