Behavior, Motivation, and Expectation of Using Salon Services of Service Users


  • Sunisa Kawichai Sripatum University Chonburi Campus
  • Pariya Rinrattanakorn Sripatum University Chonburi Campus


customer/or user behavior, motivation, expectation


           This study aims to investigate behaviors, motivations, and expectations of users towards salon services. The results revealed that most participants were 20-to-30 years old women with a bachelor’s degree. They were self-employed/businesspersons with 10,001-20,000 THB per month of income. Haircut/curling/trimming were the most frequently selected types of services. The reason to choose a salon service is uncertain depending on the occasion and convenience, with less than 500 THB of the overall expenses. The average emotional motivation level of the participants was 3.64, which the considered a high level. The strongest motivation to use a salon service was to visit a salon located near their home, which an average of 3.87, considering a high level. The average motivation level in terms of reasons was a high 3.91. The strongest motivation to use a salon service was to choose a salon online, because of their previous desirable experiences and trusts in the standard of services. The participants’ highest expectation in terms of products was a hair color service from a salon service provider that fulfills the needs of all lifestyles and preferences; the average was a high 4.12. The highest expectation in terms of price was the reasonability in relation to the provided service with the average of 4.21 considering at a high level.


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