The Participation Mechanism in Developing the Schools Educational Quality


  • Prawet Wetcha Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • ฺBoonchob Chantapoon Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Sooksan Sonnual Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Thatchai Chansa Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Participation, Educational Quality


               Participation is the process by which an entity or organization allows individuals or groups of stakeholders to form groups of people. club or organization to participate To develop the quality of education management. Participate in the promotion, suggestion, maintenance, rehabilitation, improvement and development of learning management quality in educational institutions. including policy planning operation and monitoring the performance of education management
                Participation in the development of educational management quality is a process, method, promotion and support. Participation in improving the quality of education management, such as mobilizing resources for education. making public-private partnership agreements; charitable participation; legislation or tax incentives By categorizing the analysis according to the main stakeholders, such as government agencies. External agencies or private organizations Parents and community with the emphasis on family Must be closely involved in the development of the quality of children's education. In particular, the "child" or the learner must be aware and aware of their own responsibility for participating in the development of their own quality of education as a direct beneficiary of their participation. ensemble Developing knowledge and understanding for learners to know They have their own “learning plan” and are responsible for leading and controlling themselves to achieve the plan. by emphasizing learning outside the classroom that integrates resources, natural environment, arts and culture, public places, workplaces village philosophers, important people, etc., under the definition “everyone is a teacher Everywhere is a classroom” for children's development and cultural preservation. Parents and community members increasingly understand the benefits of working together with teachers and schools. so that they feel more responsible and more connected to the community And always allow the community to participate in continuous improvement. This article synthesizes participation in improving the quality of education of schools in the remote areas of the highlands of Thailand. According to the project to study patterns and mechanisms for participation in improving the quality of school education in the remote areas of the highlands of Thailand. Received a budget from the Secretariat of the Education Council


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