Obstacles And Limitations In Promoting The Development Of The Blind In Occupation: Case Study: Occupation Of Massage For Health


  • Narunat Ratanachotwongkul Independent Scholar
  • Kriengsak Pintusonsri Faculty of Law Sripatum University


Obstacles and limitations, promoting the development of the blind, massage for health


          This research studies “obstacles and limitations in promoting the development of the blind in occupation: case study: occupation of massage for health”.   This is the qualitative research, reviewing the literature.    The research has the objectives to study about the legal measure relating to work protection, criteria of registration to be service providers, accepting visually impaired persons to work, promoting, supporting, developing occupation for visually impaired persons, in order to propose the guidelines of development of visually impaired persons extensively and systematically.

          From the study, it was found that the Health Business Establishment Act, B.E. 2559 emphasizes the importance of categorizing of health business operation systematically.  It focuses the control and supervising of health business operation.  Regarding service provider, the law specified that only service employees shall be accepted only persons registered to be service provider.  Any person has right to register as service provider.  Visually impaired person registered to be service provider has to compete with normal sight person.   The laws do not specify and enforce for business operator to accept visually impaired person to work as service provider.   Accepting visually impaired persons to work depends on discretion of business owner.  In promoting, supporting, developing occupation of disabled persons, the laws do not specify any measure, so there is need to use the criteria specified in the Promotion and Developing Life Quality of Disabled Person Act, B.E. 2550.  In secondary Law, there is important essence, that is, disabled persons wishing to be service providers, shall register to inform about requirement and specify the conditions that disabled persons must have readiness to be developed; this resulted that related working unit does not have duty to do anything.  The working unit waits for disabled persons who have readiness to inform their wish to the working unit.

          The researcher group decided that promotion and developing of visually impaired persons to do appropriate occupation in massage for health should carry out extensively and systematically.  There should be study about the conditions of problems, limitation and requirement of visually impaired persons, in order to determine the format for specifying the policy, specifying the management plan in holistic manner, from the time before doing occupations, after completing the study in the curriculum, protecting to have work to do and protecting the job, as well as measures to promote, support, develop occupation of disabled persons and  determine that it is the duty of public sector working unit to carry out in every task with targets.


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