The development of electronic commerce system to a new way of life of OTOP products in Uttaradit and Phrae provinces.
e-commerce, marketing mix factors, OTOPAbstract
The purpose of this research was observe into consumers internet usage behavior when it came to purchasing goods and services through an e-commerce system. A study and analysis of the factors influencing consumers decisions to purchase OTOP products via the e-commerce system in Uttaradit and Phrae Province. The target group population is Consumers who buy OTOP products in 10 product groups and 380 people. Statistics are used for data analysis. Factors in the marketing mix by using exploratory factor analysis to examine the elements that affect a consumer's choice to purchase OTOP goods. By analyzing binary logistic regression. The majority of them, according to the study, were female (67.89%), between the ages of 20 and 30 (50.53%), single (76.58%), in school or in college (54.21%), holding a bachelor's degree (60.53%), and making less than 15,000 Baht per month (68.95%). user behavior on websites They were found to regularly use the internet (91.32%) on their mobile devices or tablets (58.16%), and 10.26% of them used it to buy or sell things online. The average cost is less than 1,000 baht (64.21%), bank transfer or ATM payment (69.21%), and monthly internet purchases (34.21%) are made for convenience (40.79%). Age, occupation, marketing mix factors in terms of promotion, and privacy are factors influencing the decision to buy OTOP products. The grouping of marketing mix factors can be classified into 6 groups (6Ps). it was statistically significant at 0.05. because of it was the foundation for the creation of e-commerce websites and OTOP products in the Uttaradit and Phrae Province. To expand the website in order to develop the OTOP product e-commerce system ( SDLC, the PHP programming language, MYSQL, and CMS databases, as well as WordPress scripts and the Woo commerce plugin, are all used in website development.
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